5 Ways to Make the Workplace More Eco-Friendly

Besides cleaning green and sticking to sustainable janitorial practices (which not only is better for the air and environment, but also better for the health of employees and the overall success of a business), there are many other ways you can create an eco-friendly workplace. Whether it’s bringing in plants to green up the office or choosing to ride your bike to work, even small changes can make a huge impact.

Check out the tips below from The Economic Times and find out what you can do to help make your business greener.





Five ways to make the workplace eco-friendly

From: The Economic Times

With environmental consciousness on the rise, companies are going the extra mile to reduce their collective carbon footprint — by installing solar panels, using eco-friendly appliances and organizing tree-planting initiatives. They are also encouraging employees to take individual steps towards a better environment. ET tells you how to move towards a cleaner and greener workplace.

1. Go Digital

Going paperless is the first step towards making a workplace environmentally friendly, says Mohan VC, general manager of corporate occupational health, safety and environmental protection at Bosch India. “Use electronic forms whenever possible, and email letters and documents rather than sending printed copies,” he says. “Compact flash drives can also be used to efficiently transport and share documents.”

2. Encourage Sustainability

Measures should be taken to make office campuses cleaner and greener. Recycling waste paper, using shared transportation and having a no-smoking work environment can make a huge difference, says Vikas Goswami, head of Good & Green, GILAC. Sensitising and involving employees in environmental activities is also a requisite.

3. Keep Plants

Having small potted plants inside the office helps to improve the quality of air, feels Mohan VC. “What’s more, plants always brighten up a place.” Added benefits? Having plants around your work-area can also significantly reduce stress and boost your productivity.

4. Save Energy

“Put computers on ‘standby’ or on ‘hibernation mode’ when they haven’t been accessed for more than 10 minutes; turn them off when you’re done for the day,” says Mohan VC.

5. Build Awareness

Company measures to go green will be half-hearted without employee participation and proactiveness. Awareness is important, says Goswami. Sensitize employees towards a greener workplace, and generate interest towards a cleaner and greener office environment.


Source: The Economic Times

Top 10 States for LEED [Infographic]

The results are in, and Colorado has been ranked #2 for the Top 10 States for LEED in 2014! Last year in the U.S., there were over 1,600 certified Green Building projects (4,500 worldwide), which is something to be extremely proud of.

Interested in going greener in 2015? We can help. Give us a call at 303.443.3366 or visit our website to learn more about how cleaning green can transform your building, office space, and the success of your business.

